For those of you who missed it, I released a video detailing my plans to TRY (key word try) to write a MILLION (1,000,000) words this year. I also hint at a new series. You can get all the info on my BookTube channel GivReads.
Dandelion Audit is officially out and in your hands and I couldn't be happier. The reviews have been incredibly kind and after a LONG, LONG year of getting this ready it feels so good. If you haven't grabbed your copy yet, make sure to go snag it. It's already hit #1 New Bestseller in its categories for Kindle, Paperback, and Audible.
If you somehow MISSED it, you can grab your copy here:
You're going to want to get reading because STAR SUMMIT is coming soon 👀
I've been sitting on this one for a while. I'm honored to announce that SOMEHOW, I convinced the legendary Chris McGrath, (the artist behind the covers of Dresden Files, Dead Man's Hand, Mistborn and many more) to take on the Debt Collection! After that, we teamed up with Shawn King of STK Productions to do the typography and formatting, and well... the old cover was fun style attempt, but the new one...
I know.
SOUL FRAUD's new cover is available now in Paperback and Hardback. The rest of the series will be done in this style, so make sure to grab it now!
On my BookTube channel GivReads, I've started writing a side project called "The Song of the Hunter" which is a Weird West story set in the same universe as the Debt Collection. If you've ever wanted to be a part of my process, see how I write, and have the chance to give feedback as it goes, be sure to go check it out and listen to all the episodes!
Since 2023 is off to a start, I figured it was time to reveal *some* of my plans for the year.
Dandelion Audit is still going strong - it's heading to the editor tomorrow. But it's not the only book I'm hoping to release this year... more info in the video below.
While I've been early working on the editing process for DANDELION AUDIT, I've also been cooking up a secret project. I'm excited to announce that I've launched a new YouTube channel focused on Books, Writing, and updates on my own writing process. It's called GivReads and I've got several videos up and available for you to enjoy. Go drop it a sub if it seems like content you would enjoy!
Today's video is a short story writing challenge, which turned out super well, and I thought you guys might get a kick out of. I have several writing challenge videos planned in the next month or so, along with more reviews and recommendations. I'd love to hit 1,000 subscribers before the end of the year!
Hello little blog, I come bearing good news for those of you anticipating book two of the Debt Collection. Dandelion Audit is done!
Well not "done" done. But the first draft is done! Those of you who already follow my twitter probably knew this. It's a pretty good way to keep up to date with writing stuff.
Matt and the gang's next adventure clocked in at about 130,000 words ("Soul Fraud is only 110,000 words!) which should be right about the 400 pages mark, unless anything major gets changed.
So what happens next? The book is out to the Alpha Readers, and soon the Beta Readers and then if that all goes well, I can make some final changes and we can begin the final edits and audiobook process. If everything goes smoothly, I hope to Dandelion Audit in everyone's hand early next year.
In the meantime, I'm working on the outline for book three, and dabbling with a few other ideas. More on those later.
I will be at Dragon Con this weekend! If you see me please come up and say hello! Additionally, I will be speaking on two panels about writing and Urban Fantasy:
If you guys are attending the con or watching online you should come by!
Thanks to all the insane support from all of you, the Kindle edition of Soul Fraud is officially an Amazon #1 Best Seller in Teen & Young Adult Magical Realism eBooks.
The Paperback edition is also marked as the #1 New Release for Greek & Roman Myth and Legend fantasy series.
This is so incredible. I can't thank you all enough for your support and love on the book.
If you haven't snagged a copy for yourself, you can get it here:
If you have already gotten a copy don't forget to leave a rating on Amazon. They make a huge difference!
What a crazy day. Soul Fraud is officially available for purchase, in Kindle, Paperback, and Hardback. (Audible is coming soon.)
Head over to Amazon to grab it for yourself:
The first 72 hours are super important for Amazon sales, espcially Kindle. If you can snag a Kindle for $3.99 I will love you for forever. Don't forget if you enjoy the book to leave a rating as well!
Soul Fraud is officially available for pre-order in all formats on June 27th! The official release is June 30th. I can't wait for you guys to get your hands on it.
Grab it now on Amazon: